« The 2025 Reset - Replays Available »

Internal Iridescence
- Saturday 25th Jan | 8.30pm gmt

Star System Symbiosis - Monday 27th Jan | 8.30pm gmt

Gestalt Genesis - Wednesday 29th Jan | 8.30pm gmt 

Re-Set Q&A - following Wednesday's Session | 9.30pm gmt

Check your Timezone here

This is a 1.5 hour session which includes the Q+A session following the transmission. You’re welcome to sit in on the Q+A session, however as part of their membership package, only Cosmic Sparks members can ask questions - either personal, generic, or related to the transmission.

If you’re part of the Cosmic Sparks membership you’ll already have the zoom link, but if you’d just like to join us for this one-off you’re welcome to register for the workshop and Q&A session by signing up via the registration button.

*If you're not a member of Cosmic Sparks, the Q&A session will just be for observation. As part of the membership programme, members are able to pose questions to Collective Cosmic Consciousness.

Replays will be shared if you can't make it in real time.

Join Cosmic Sparks Membership for regular support

You can sign up for Cosmic Sparks  here. No minimum sign-up term, cancel at any time.

It was absolutely powerful and mindblowing. I'm beyond grateful because I'm definitely feeling the changes since the session - Maria

“Not to be missed. It was fantastic! I’ve been putting a couple of tools into my daily routine and a few scattered here and there. I truly feel in charge now of creating my own reality. Thank you Maia and Steven" - Lianne


"Yesterday’s session was a whopper! I’m still flying!"
- Jahna