The Silent Ripple Retreat for Leaders, Entrepreneurs and Change~Makers
An immersive and transformational retreat in the opulent environs of
The Imiloa Institute, Costa Rica
August 21-25, 2024
Here you are in the middle of the pristine, lush, Costa Rican jungle, with toucans twirping, the vibration of ancient trees quietly harmonising to your own energy field, and a soft breeze purifying your entire body.
You open yourself to the next level of consciousness expansion and through our facilitators you are connected to the New Earth Energy Architecture.
This is not quite what you expected of a ‘spiritual retreat’.
This is fun.
This is joyful.
This is thrilling.
But make no mistake, this is also powerful. From this place of remembering your own energetic alignment to the New Earth energy grid, you have the capacity to embed positive change in the world you move through.
Perhaps this is your reason for being?
Perhaps you are destined to be part of this monumental change humanity is only now able to bring through.
Perhaps you are here to seed and inspire:
A different way of working.
A different way of being.
There is a new energy available to you to amplify the impact you have. You can now choose to re-connect and lead and inspire in a fully expanded and empowered consciousness-centric way. Will you take up your role?
This small group retreat is the perfect next step for exceptional leaders, entrepreneurs and change-makers who are eager to explore the next paradigm shift; that of Consciousness Expansion.
It is an opportunity for extraordinary individual leaders and change-makers to relax, unwind and allow themselves to remember their broader energetic selves and innate ability to tune into the New Earth energy grid.
Because an enlightened leader’s real power lies in their ability to make major positive changes in ‘work’ behaviour and culture, and as a result improve the lived experience for individuals, as well as the sustainability of their workplace and our human collective.
In helping bring this transformation through at an individual level we are also organically building a community of transformational leaders to support each other in this next-level way of working.
Together we are dynamically creating The New Earth. This is not just woo-woo for the spiritual arena. The New Earth will ultimately only be an eventuality if the work world adopts new ways of working and new ways of leading. Want to fuel up with New Earth energy and help make that happen?
Embracing Consciousness Expansion
How You Will Change
You will have a greater understanding of the role energy and frequency plays in your experiences and your ability to be able to influence your desired outcomes when you manage your relationship with your own energy
You will become more deeply connected to the inner wisdom of your broader non-physical ‘intuitive’ self
You will access and attune yourself to higher frequencies and be more able to consistently hold these frequencies
You will become aware of a new web of energetics that support more positive approaches to better health, wealth and happiness
You will become more loving towards yourself and others
You will begin to hold a higher perspective and understanding of your role in the overall movement towards a more harmonious society
How We Support You To Do This
A five night small group intensive immersion in the opulent environs of a luxurious retreat centre in Costa Rica. Single occupancy for private time to reflect and integrate. Maximum group size is 10 to enable individual support and attention.
A high frequency community of like-minded professionals who are on a similar quest for the next level expansion to take into their organisations and professional lives
Access to both facilitators, Maia and Nanda, for the full period of the retreat and follow up access via email, messenger and whatsapp for four weeks following the retreat [response within 24 hrs]
Is This Programme Right for Me?
This programme is for you if:
You have examined the role you play in the unfolding of your life and you know and accept that you are not a victim to any events or circumstances
You have recently recognised a deep desire to work out how to access your next stage of energetic expansion
You know you have enormous potential to create change for the better within your organisation, but you’re not sure what would move the meter
This programme is not for you if:
You are not comfortable being part of a small group programme
You have deep rooted cynicism or distrust of the role energy plays in creating life outcomes
You do not believe you are sovereign over your own energy
Price and What’s Included
Four nights single occupancy is USD $12,000 and includes:
- A truly luxurious retreat centre with access to a private waterfall, nature paths, incredible flora and fauna, and an ocean view infinity pool.
- Private chartered flights and ground transportation from the International airport to the retreat centre at The Imiloa Institute at Imiloa Mountain, Costa Rica
- Gourmet plant-based cuisine prepared using local and organic produce. Full meals, snacks, teas, coffees and fruit trays available throughout your stay.
- Price does not include flights to and from Costa Rica
To Apply
Get in touch with Maia or Nanda to apply for the Consciousness Centric Leadership Retreat. A USD $3,000 deposit is required to hold your place on the retreat.
Maia: Email maia@maiafrancis.com
Nanda: WhatsApp +44 (0)7871056363
Who are the Guides and Facilitators for this Consciousness Centric Leadership Programme?
This programme is led and facilitated by Maia Francis and Nanda Veldink, however activations, guidance and the broader context of the information provided will come via our collective guides, ‘Steven’.
Steven is an energy who define themselves as a “Collective Cosmic Consciousness”. This means, that they are not a single energy or being, but an amalgam of energies. You do not need to believe or accept this reality in order to benefit from the knowledge and wisdom that comes through, but you will not benefit from their sharings if you hold a strong position of scepticism.
These guides have made contact with us at this time to support the human collective as we make the shift from a lower state of consciousness into higher, more elevated states. Their dominant focus is on empowering us by reminding us that we have control over our own reality through the choices we make, the perspectives we take and the vibrations we cultivate. They want us to know, feel and remember that we are inherently powerful beings and can change our reality as we desire.
Your On-The-Ground Facilitators
Maia Francis
Maia is a practical and grounded energy worker who has worked within the field of corporate change for several decades.
She now facilitates frequency attunements and energetic expansion for her clients. For the past five years she has been working with a cosmic consciousness collective bringing through attunements and activations and creating a bridge for those who are ready to work with the New Earth energetics of the shifting consciousness.
Maia has facilitated retreats in Egypt, Greece and Portugal. She also hosts online workshops and programmes for a client base from across the globe.
Nanda Veldink
Nanda is a Senior Partner at a Global Executive Search firm who acts as a conduit to connect with progressive senior executives from around the world.
It is clear to her that with the rise of human consciousness globally there is a need to look at new structures across a number of institutionalised expressions, including from within the corporate world.
The polarisation will happen in corporates too which leads to the need for organisations to be led by leaders who are connected and lead from the heart, embracing kindness and compassionate leadership, whilst utilising their business’ purpose as a vehicle to create better communities and ultimately a better world.
Her passion is in working with senior leaders who have the ability to make the shift real. She is often in the thick of conversations about the “Future of Work”, and finds herself asking “what does this really mean? Her take is that the success of the organisations of the future is integrally linked to their ability to embrace and champion the consciousness shift which is currently unfolding: a move towards connectedness and collaboration and away from separateness and selfishness.
Our Costa Rica Retreat Centre - The Imiloa Institute
Our Costa Rica Retreat Centre - The Imiloa Institute